Roundup Quickpro Dry Formula with Glyphosate and Diquat (2 Jugs)

  • List Price: $159.99
  • Sale Price: $133.51
  • Amount Saved: $26.48
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • 2 (6.8 lb jugs)

Product Detail

Product Description

Controlling problem weeds just got easier with the introduction of this new formulation of Roundup. QuikPRO® has two active ingredients, 73.3% Glyphosate and 2.9% Diquat. The addition of Diquat along with a new surfactant gives you even a faster burn down. It is a non-selective post emergent herbicide for commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential weed control. Suitable for use in pump-up, backpack and larger sprayers. Use to control broadleaf and grass weeds or woody brush and trees, roots and all. The product is absorbed quickly by plants and is rain fast in about a hour. The simple and mistake-proof measuring saves time and labor cost. The dust-free formulation provides fewer spills and splashing, improving worker protection. 6.8 lb jug comes with a convenient measuring cap. Refer to the actual product label for specific rates, instructions and cautions.