Non-Automatic Heavy Duty Gro-Quick Soil Warming Cable - 60 FT

  • Sale Price: $77.99
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • 60 ft Non-Automatic Heavy Duty Soil Warming Cables are 300 Watts and will cover approximately 21 sq ft.
  • The rugged construction and higher output of the Heavy Duty Gro-Quick make it perfect for both commercial and home greenhouses.
  • Speeds germination and seedling growth.
  • Designed to use with a thermostat.
  • Provides a head start to the regular growing season.

Product Detail

  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 4 x 9 inches;
  • ASIN: B00P2R476O
  • Item model number:
  • Average Customer Review: Customer Reviews

Product Description

Gro-Quick electric warming cables gently speeds up the germination and seedling growth to produce large healthy plants ready for transplanting. This cable can be used indoor or outdoor to start almost any seed or plants including flowers, vegetables, buds and seedlings. Gro-Quick heavy duty cables are designed from the commercial grower to the advanced hobbyist. Rugged construction and higher output make the Gro Quick heavy duty cables perfect for the commercial or greenhouse grower. Non automatic soil warming cables are designed to accept adjustable thermostats where larger areas are involved and varying soil temperature are required. This heavy duty warming cable can work alone but if you want to control the temperature you will need to purchase a thermostat. Available is the 18500 model thermostat.