Narcissus (Daffodils) Ziva Paperwhitess - Garden Bulbs (50) - 50 large bulbs - 13/14 cm

  • Sale Price: $31.95
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • Priced for a pkg. of 50 fresh bulbs to plant in the garden
  • These are intended for planting in the garden, not indoor forcing though they can be forced
  • Pure white petals and cups, very fragrant
  • Bloom Time: Planted in zones 9-10, they will naturalize in early Spring year after year.
  • Ships from Sept. 12 thru Jan. 22

Product Detail

Product Description

If you love paperwhites and live in a warm area where they are winter hardy outdoors this big bag of 50 bulbs will allow you to plant with wild abandon. An excellent, economical balance between bulb size and price, these bulbs are not as large as our oversized Ziva, the ones tailor made for small gardens and indoor forcing where every blooms needs to be huge, but are still plenty large enough to put on a wonderful show when planted in masse. (Many bulb companies sell this size, or smaller, for indoor forcing. Tisk, tisk.) For gardeners in zones 8-10, these will scent your early spring garden with that famous paperwhite fragrance and add bobbing white, snippable blooms to your flowerbeds. Most will bloom the first year, all will flower in the second and subsequent years. Deer and rodent proof. Note: we recommend the largest Ziva bulbs, rather than these, for indoor forcing.