Miracle Gro Aerogarden Seed Kit Bundle Tomato Salad Herbs

  • Sale Price: $69.97
  • Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days



  • Grows 5 times faster than soil. Soil-free, no-mess indoor growing.
  • Herb kit includes Marseille Basil, Chives, Curly Parsley, Red Rubin Basil, Cilantro, Dill and Savory Seed Pods; Liquid Plant Nutrients, Tending & Harvesting Guide
  • Tomato Kit includes Red Heirloom Cherry (2 seed pods), Golden Harvest Cherry Tomato seed pod, 3 Plant Spacers, Liquid Plant Nutrients, Tending & Harvesting Guide
  • Salad Kit includes Salad Greens Butterhead Mix (2), Romaine (2), Arugula, Baby Greens and Mesclun Seed Pods; Nutrients, Tending & Harvesting Guide

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Product Description

One each Herb kit, Tomato Kit and Salad Kit with nutrients and harvest instructions.

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