Miniature Fairy Garden Tiny Terrarium Stone House

  • Sale Price: $7.30
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours



  • size: 3.5" Wide x 3" High
  • material: Resin

Product Detail

  • ASIN: B00B0R4EPE
  • Item model number: 16520
  • Average Customer Review: Customer Reviews

Product Description

Since the size of this house is tiny, it will fit well into a terrarium. The stone house can be placed on mini ivory pebbles or moss, which are lining the glass container. Next, add succulent plants that do not require a lot of watering, but provide much greenery to the terrarium. The detail in this tiny stone house lends well to a glass terrarium garden. Miniature cream colored stones are layered to create the walls of the house, while the roof of the main section is covered with a large boulder. The roof on the addition is a gray color that resembles a Spanish clay tiled roof. The additional detail of a woodpile, flower box, and rock seats adds charm to the tiny house. (Note: Miniatures are small items that pose potential choking hazards to small children. They are not toys. Any accessories pictured are not included, for illustrative purposes only.)