Hens & Chicks Collection 3 Plants -Sempervivum - Indoors or Out - 3" Pots

  • Sale Price: $12.50
  • Amount Saved: $2.51
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • Easy to grow, Loves the sun, Water when dry
  • Grow indoors or out
  • Hardy in zones 4-9
  • Proper name: Semperviven
  • Immediate shipping 3 different plants in 3" pots

Product Detail

Product Description

Sempervivum are succulent, rosette forming plants belonging to the Crassulaceae family. They are commonly known as Hens & Chicks, Houseleeks or Hen and Chickens. The main attraction of these plants is their colourful rosettes of leaves. These range from bright yellow, through various shades of green, grey, pink, purple, red, orange and brown, to almost black in some varieties. The leaves may be dull or glossy, or covered with soft down or longer hairs. Small silvery hairs are commonly found along the leaf margins and in many varieties the leaf tips bear a tuft of longer hairs that can form a "cobweb" over the surface of the rosettes. Leaf shape can also vary from short, succulent, almost round leaves to long, tapering, finely pointed ones. The varieties you will receive will vary with the season.

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