EZ White Snap Clamp 1-1/2 Inch X 4 Inches Wide for 1-1/2 Inch PVC Pipe 10 Per Bag

  • Sale Price: $10.95
  • Availability: Usually ships in 3-4 business days



  • EZ snap clamps, for frequent use (use HD clamps for long term use)
  • ABS clamps have higher temperature resistance and gripping strength
  • Compatible with any type of pipe, including PVC
  • Excellent for building greenhouses, row covers, shelters, quilting frames and more
  • Holds material on tubular frame

Product Detail

Product Description

Snap Clamps are used to attach tarps, netting, or other material to pipe. Two types of clamps are available both made out of ABS, a HD snap clamp for long term use and an EZ snap clamp for light duty, or frequent use on and off. ABS clamps have a higher temperature resistance compared to a PVC snap clamp, allowing it to keep it's gripping power for a long time. Some applications include greenhouses, row covers, shelters, bird protection, dog beds, and quilting frames.