Bulk Herbs: Wormwood

  • Sale Price: $2.25
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • 1 oz bag
  • Excellent for Incense Blends
  • Organic and Wild Harvested Herbs
  • Dried Herb

Product Detail

Product Description

Also Known As - Artemisia absinthus, Absinthe, Absinthe Wormwood, and Old WomanÍs Weed Wormwood contains constituents that may be toxic if ingested in large amounts and for extended periods of time. Not to be used while pregnant. Wormwood is burned in incenses designed to aid in developing psychic powers, and is also worn for this purpose. It is said that carried, it also protects against bewitchment. Also according to legend, it counteracts the effects of poisoning by hemlock and toadstools, but this is not scientific. Hung in a car it protects the vehicle from accidents or in treacherous roads. It can also be used in love Infusions, and be placed in a bed to draw to your loved one to you. It can also be burned to summon spirits - it is said that spirits of the dead will rise and speak when wormwood is burned. Keywords: Psychic powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits.

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