Harlequin Variegated Honeysuckle Vine - Lonicera - Potted

  • Sale Price: $12.50
  • Amount Saved: $2.51
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days



  • Honeysuckle is cultivated in private gardens and in cities as an ornamental because of its large, fragrant flowers and brilliant red fruits
  • Family: Caprifoliaceae. Especially fragrant at night
  • Can be grown as a low spreading shrub or trained up a trellis as a vine
  • Wonderfully scented tubular flowers of pale rose-purple with a white to yellow lip from May to July
  • Immediate shipping. Size shipped: 4" pot

Product Detail

Product Description

HONEYSUCKLE: The genus Lonicera contains more than 200 species worldwide and is distributed in temperate and subtropical regions of North America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Most of the species are small trees or shrubs. Honeysuckle is cultivated in private gardens and in cities as an ornamental because of its large, fragrant flowers and brilliant red fruits. Hardy in zones 4-8.

Lonicera - Honeysuckle
Family: Caprifoliaceae
(Lonic-era: after Adam Lonitizer, 1528-1586, German physician and naturalist)

Lovely yellow and pink flowers, (especially fragrant at night) can adorn this vine from summer to fall. What is even more enticing are the beautifully variegated leaves, often cream-edged with pink highlights. It can be pruned to a two-foot shrub or trained against a wall. Variegated hummingbirds will love you! Super fall color. Cream, pink and dark green, irregularly variegated leaves. Wonderfully scented tubular flowers of pale rose-purple with a white to yellow lip from May to July. Can be grown as a low spreading shrub or trained up a trellis as a vine. Wonderful fall colors. Discovered in a private garden in Ipswich, England.

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